We are excited to welcome you to the program! This will be your chance to get to know the fellow participants and form your group.
Sprint 0
To do until the next session:
Watch the following sections:
Introduction (4 Minutes)
Design Thinking: What It Is and Why It Matters (6 Minutes)
Begin to develop your knowledge of species protection by conducting your own research.
Project Management Introduction
During this session, you will receive initial insights into the project and familiarize yourself with the design thinking framework. Furthermore, an expert on species protection has been invited to provide you with additional insights into the subject matter and to answer any questions you may have.
Sprint 1
To do until the next session:
Watch the following section in preparation for the next task:
Empathy: The Foundation of Human-Centered Design (10 Minutes)
To create a successful product or service, it's important to consider who it's intended for. So, before diving into the design process, take some time to think about who your target group is.
Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of conducting an interview within the design thinking framework.
First Meetup
During the First Meetup, the Project Management Track starts with the first phase: Empathize. The goal is to create an understanding for the problems and challenges regarding the topic area. Connections are to be uncovered and understood, and stakeholders and their needs are to be identified.
To understand the needs of your user group, you will interview fellow peers. During the session, we will discuss what aspects to pay attention to and you will have time to design the questionnaire.
More information can be found in the Methods section.
Sprint 2
To do until the next session:
To gain valuable insights into the needs and preferences of your target group, it is important to do your user research in a timely manner. It is recommended to schedule your research with enough time to analyze the answers and gain insights before the next meeting (don’t forget to document! )
Watch the following sections in preparation for the next tasks:
Define: Making Sense of You Data (7 minutes )
Ideate: How Might We Design For Our Users ( 8 minutes )
Second Meetup
Once you have analyzed the results of your research, it's time to define the main pain points of your target group. One way to document your findings is to create "How Might We" statements. It's important to keep in mind that these statements should focus on the users' needs and be phrased as an opportunity, rather than a solution.
For instance, as TechAcademy, we could ask ourselves:
How might we motivate our participants to complete the semester program when they lack motivation?
There are other techniques mentioned in the Methods section that you can also use.
Based on your core findings and the pain points of your target group, we move on to the ideation phase and start brainstorming. Here you should generate as many ideas as possible. In this phase quantity over quality applies. Feasibility and restrictions are disregarded for the time being. This is also called divergent thinking.
After you have collected your ideas, you have to choose the best one. Which idea is feasible, which is realistic? Maybe you can combine some ideas? It is important that you document the decision process and explain why you have chosen your model as a press release.
Sprint 3
To do until the next session:
Refine and solidify your idea by defining its characteristics and key features. What will your solution ultimately look like? Consider all aspects of your idea to ensure that it addresses the needs and pain points of your target group effectively.
Please take a look at the Figma section of this guideline.
Sign up for a Figma account to familiarize yourself with its features and interface. This will give you a better understanding of how to use it effectively as a design tool.
watch the following sections in preparation for the next tasks:
Prototype & Test: Bring Your Ideas to Life (8 minutes )
Make You Pitch: Use Storytelling to Make The Case for Design Thinking (4 minutes )
Third Meetup
Your story board could look like this:
It could also look like this:
Or this:
Additionally we will talk about your pitches. What does a good pitch entail and how do you structure it?
Sprint 4
To do until the next session:
Finalize your prototype
Test your prototype on potential users
Gather feedback and adjust your prototype if necessary
Prepare your pitch.
Fourth Meetup
Today is your presentation day! You'll have the opportunity to share your idea with the group and receive feedback.
Sprint 5
To do until 09.07.23:
Create documentation of your approach in each phase
Include key findings of each phase
Submit the documentation along with the link to your prototype
Deadline: 09.07.2023, 23:59 PM
Last updated