Continue Your Journey on DataCamp

1 Continue your journey on DataCamp

You can continue learning on DataCamp until the start of the next Semester! Check out the Skill and Career Tracks and make sure to complete them to receive DataCamp’s Statement of Accomplishment.

2 Data Science in General

3 R

Version Control with Git

RStudio has a nice interface that lets you enjoy the perks of Git without ever having to touch the command line – sounds great, does it? Learn how to set up the Git & R workflow with Happy Git with R.

R Graph Gallery

Get inspiration to take your plotting to the next level. Includes code to reproduce the plots.

Follow the R Master Himself and the R Community

Hadley Wickham was and continues to be extremely influential on the development of R and its rise to one of the most popular data science languages. He’s behind many tools that we taught you in this semester, especially the tidyverse (including great packages such as ggplot2 and dplyr). Follow him on Twitter to get great R advice and keep up to speed with everything new to R. Following the many people behind R (not only Hadley) is a great way for acquiring deeper understanding of the language and its developments.

Join the Campus useR Group in Frankfurt

There’s a quite active R community in Frankfurt that meets once a month. It’s open for students, professors, industry practitioners, journalists, and all people that love to use R. In those meetings, you’ll hear about other’s work, discuss new developments, and ask questions.

Listen to R Podcasts Another great way to easily keep up with new developments in the Data Science/R community. Check out Not So Standard Deviations or the R-Podcast

4 Python

Install Python Locally

Until now you’ve only programmed using JupyterHub on the TechAcademy Server. A next step would be to install Python and Jupyter locally on your computer. This link contains the necessary information on how to install the software on Windows, iOS or Linux.

Choosing the Right Editor

Using Jupyter is especially useful for short data analyses. But sometimes you want to write longer scripts in Python. In these cases, it is often more convenient to use a code editor instead of Jupyter. This tutorial highlights the positive aspects of such an editor and how to choose the right one for you. Pro-Tip: Also check out the other tutorials on Real Python and check out the Community Version of “PyCharm” which is the most common Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment.

Python Graph Gallery

Get inspiration to take your plotting to the next level. Includes code to reproduce the plots.

More Advanced Python Concepts

You know the basic data structures in Python like lists and dictionaries. What are the next steps to improve your knowledge? This website gives good explanations for slightly more advanced concepts which can be very useful from time to time.

A Deeper Understanding

If you want to get a deeper understanding of the Python programming language and into typical algorithms which are used in the field of Data Science, this free book can be a good starting point.

Writing Beautiful Python Code

“My code doesn’t look nice, but it works!” This might work for yourself, but often you will work on code with other people. But even if you’re just coding for yourself it’s a good idea to follow the PEP8 style guide. It’s a useful convention on how to structure and code in Python. You’ll find useful resources for PEP8 here and here.

Listen to Python Podcasts

When you don’t have time for books you can listen to Talk Python or the Python Podcast.

Last updated